Sketchfab objects won't download

There are long, unpredictable spans of time where Sketchfab objects just won't download into Twinmotion. It is impossible to know when the Sketchfab bridge is working or not. It does not seem to matter that I've signed into my Epic Games account, or restarted the program, or restarted the entire computer. Sometimes I'll be in the middle of a project with some successfully downloaded files, only for them to suddenly stop downloading. This is very frustrating and I'd rather Sketchfab not be included in future Twinmotion releases if it never works.

Hi ,

Do you still experience these issues with Sketchfab assets not downloading? If so, do these occur with only the Sketchfab library, or also the Twinmotion Cloud library and Quixel Megascans library? If the issue is isolated to Sketchfab, it could possibly be a Sketchfab account issue, hitting the rate limit from downloading too many assets at once, or possible firewall/network blocks on the Sketchfab services. Issues with all cloud libraries could point to another problem.

If the issues are still occurring, please submit a bug report at and be sure to share a log file (Where to find Twinmotion .log file) from when the issue occurred so the support team can investigate this.



This still won’t work, sketch fab won’t let me install it. I can download it, but I can’t export it into unity games. The error says the file wasn’t found and it was the file name.

Did you ever get it to work? This is the main issue I have with sketchfab and why it makes me so frustrated at times. It’s been years and this issue still hasn’t been fixed.

Hola, a mí también me sucedía el mismo inconveniente… LO pude resolver creandome una cuenta en megascans y otra cuenta en Sketchfab, y vinculandola con mi cuenta de Epic Games. Ahora, cada vez que en twinmotion inicio sesion con mi cuenta Epic, puedo descargar sin problemas los objetos de SKetchfab y Megascan. Espero que mi respuesta de haya sido de ayuda, ten un buen dia.