skeleton/material artifact at 4km distance

I’ve stumbled upon a issue on my personal project and decided to test it out in the lyra project witch provided the same results.

I’m not sure if it’s the skeleton mesh, rendering or the material that’s bugging out.
The active blueprint in the video is just the SKM_Manny skeleton playing an idle animation via an animBp. Settings is default lyra project settings.
The skeleton(gun) in the video is 4km(400110,0 units) away from the origin.
I get the same result when attaching the gun to the unreal skeleton(hand bone) or when moving the gun on it’s own while fetching socket transform from character(in the anim BP).

I don’t seem to get the same result when randomly moving the gun on it’s own, so i guess this has something to to with the animation somehow.

The skeleton mesh behaves normal(as expected) when being closer to the world origin.
I guess this has something to do with float precision and i’ve tried enabling large world setting with no result.

same result in editor and standalone.

There might be something obvious i’m missing here but i’m not seing it.
Any assistance is much obliged :slight_smile:

Hey there @pollypp11! You’re correct, looks like you’re experiencing the magic of floating point precision issues! Usually I’d recommend throwing on Large World Coordinates for earlier projects, but it seems that it’s not working here.

What version of the engine are you running? As I remember some of the earlier versions that you had to enable LWC in had a couple of bugs.

Also, is your level also World Partitioned?

Hi, thanks for taking the time.

i’m currently running : Version: 5.0.3-20979098+++UE5+Release-5.0
The world is partitioned yes.
This morning i also tried just making a fresh third person project to test with, and still get the same results (partitioned and non partitioned).

Update; So i updated to 5.1 and it fixed the issue without any hassle.
Seems like @SupportiveEntity was absolutely correct :slight_smile:

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