I am currently manipulating the ‘HelloARUnreal’ project.
I have copied ‘AndyAnchorActor’ as ‘MyARAnchorDanceTroopAlienAlpha’. With the latter, I have removed Andy_Mesh, complete with shadow, and inserted my own dance animations. These consist of 10 aliens and a Cyberman.
When I package the project and run on my S8, only Alien9 (third back on centre line) and the Cyberman (Far back) appear in AR world on S8. The remaining Aliens, Aliens1-8 & Alien10, do not show at all.
I have tried other characters which share the same dance animation, namely, The Hulk, Kung Fu Panda Po, and these are ok, and show in AR world on the S8.
Would you happen to have any ideas as to why these Aliens won’t show?
My tutor, this morning proved that they showed in ‘Standalone Mode’, so it appears to be an issue with ARCore.
Epic, just a bit more info on this (we’re the tutor).
We’ve built the game for win64, tried standalone, PIE, and all of these builds work, the aliens 1 to 10 + other meshes show properly. Once he launches the game ASTC Android to his phone the aliens, except 9 which works, don’t show up. I’ve went into the materials and meshes itself and none seem to have immediate issues or any differences between the working and non-working one, now art isn’t our field of expertise so we’re not really sure why this is happening but seems to only happen when in AR. Now on code, there’s nothing that would indicate that these items would disappear in AR and show in Non-AR.
If you need more info, feel free to ask us or smudgy directly.
I haven’t started from scratch as all animated skeletal meshes are working fine besides the aliens mentioned.
We have checked setting associations with the Skeletal Meshes, Materials, and Animation Montages, and they all appear to be identical besides naming conventions.
In addition, references have been checked via the Reference Viewer, and these appear to be identical too.
I can send you a link to the project files, which are stored on my GoogleDrive, however, i will need an email address to do so.
I have created a virgin project, and migrated the same aliens and other skeletal meshes into it.
The result is as before, lonesome Alien9, is on his jack jones.
So just to recap, all Aliens1-10 are happily jiggling away in the viewport, however, they don’t appear in AR world on my phone.
Have tried other Skeletal Mesh animations, and they’re all cool too.
Please provide some EPIC help on this matter.
1 out of 10 aliens is superb, and does exactly as is should do.
The other nine don’t appear as previously mentioned.
I’m guessing you guys can you can solve this, or at least eliminate it’s not an engine issue. Therefore I can get onto Google, and their AR department, re ARCore.
I have ruled out the materials for the given Aliens, as a mix’n’match of Alien9 proves ok. Granted it looks kind of freaky- but works none the less.
I have checked the meshes used and re-imported them several times, again Aliens 1-8 and 10 don’t show on the phone, however, as before, show in Editor, PIE & Standalone.
Maybe you have guys there have a phobia of Aliens, maybe you working on more important terrestrial stuff, maybe only one species of alien can ever be shown on an AR app at any one time,
maybe you’ll give a very determinedly frustrated Dude some of your out of this world help and attention?
I doubt it’s the facial bones, but good to check. Do you have morphs? I’ve had the same problem. My Max character loads fine, but my iClone characters do not, and those have about 70 morphs. This is a serious problem. I hope epic can weigh in on it.
The difference between the aliens is the number of bones they contain, e.g., Alien9 has 71, whereas the others have bone counts in excess of a 100.
I proved last night that Alien1 can be displayed in AR app on phone, when I used its mesh only.
I have asked the artist to supply the Aliens without the facial bones. When I receive them, I will try these versions and post the results accordingly.
Hopefully the artist will have the new set to me soon, and I’ll try them and post the results.
I don’t have any morphs, just animations.
You may have to wait around for EPIC help, I’ve been badgering them for a while now.
I am happy to hear that you were able to find a solution to the issue that you were experiencing. I am going to convert your last comment to an answer. However, if this issue returns please feel free to reopen this thread with additional information.
9 out of the 10 skeletal meshes has excess bones due to the addition of their facial bones.
The facial bones were removed and now all alien animations perform as they should in the AR application.
I’m yet to try all 10 together, although I think that it will be ok.