Skeletal Mesh LOD BUG ! My bone binding was right in maya but messed up when imported into UE4 as LOD.

Hi, I am creating LODs for my Skeletal Mesh character. I want to import into UE4 after generating the LODs in Maya. I use Simplygon plugin to create LODs, everything works good in Maya, all LOD levels are rigged fine. However, when I imported them as LODs into the Skeletal Mesh editor in UE4, the binding of these LODs went wrong.
Actually, when I tried to import these LOD-level FBXs directly into UE4 Content as Skeletal Mesh, their bindings work well. That is to say, the error only appeared on the LOD. In addition, when I try to import the model itself, which is LOD0, as LOD, the same error occurs either.

I think it should be an issue with my model rather than the Simplygon plugin or my manipulation, since I’ve used the same method with several other models downloaded from the web and none of them have gone wrong.

This is the warning in the Output Log Window when I import the Skeletal Mesh into UE4.

This thing has been bothering me for 3 days, I am really looking forward to your answers, thank you~

Has the problem been solved? I had the same problem.

Maybe it’s too late… I met the same problem recently.
If there are Spaces in the bone’s name, LODs will go wrong (UE4.27). Unreal seems to replace the Space with “-” automaticly, so try to check the bone’s name in Maya or Blender.
You can use underscore character instead of Spaces, like “Bip001_Spine1”. Hope this helps.