Skeletal Mesh Flickering

Hi Chris make sure the new physics asset is linked in the skeletal mesh veiwer properties (persona)
pic/video might help us spot the issue


Itā€™s kinda hard to tell in the video, but whenever the object is highlighted, itā€™s fine, but when I highlighted the floor, it started flickering. The physics asset is linked, I looked at the beginning of the video, and if you hit play, the collision is correct.

Hey there, for anyone running into this problem again my Solution was turning on ā€œComponent use fixed Skel Boundsā€ on the skeletal mesh within the blueprint.


This worked like a charm thank you so much!

Youā€™re welcome :slight_smile:

FYI, I was having the same issue and my bounds looked fine. Turns out, I accidentally scaled the skeletal mesh to a negative value, changing it back to a positive value fixed the problem.

This worked for me ! Thanks a lot !

This isnā€™t working for me. It still flickers despite checking that box.

small chance itā€™s a clipping issue. In the project settings there is a near clipping setting. It effects complex meshes and gives a flickering effect where the opposite side of the mesh will fight with the near side when sufficiently small on screen. Had to set mine at 50 to work properly otherwise you could see the opposite side of buildings and vehicles flickering through the front.

Turns out if youā€™re using a modular character thereā€™s a checkbox (in the same place) to use bounds from a master component, checking that did the trick.

This fixed it for me.

Andā€¦a little into the futureā€¦this solved the problem for me too!

I know this thread is fairly old but I had the same issue, too in 2021 :wink:
Another fix is to create and assign a physics asset to the mesh.
With the physics asset the bounds are defined.

Hey there! I seem to have a similar issue, but for me, flickering only happens when I play montages on my mesh. It will flicker for a single frame. And sometimes my mesh will disappear all together or cause really slow performance due to physics interactions on a simulated cape right after a montage like this.

Any ideas on what to do here? Iā€™ve tried all the above solutions for scaling bounds and setting static bounds. Nothing has worked so far.

livesaver <3