Skeletal Mesh collision set to 'Query Only' still generates physics collision

Hello everyone,

I don’t know if it’s a bug or a wanted feature, but when I set ‘Collision Enabled’ setting to ‘Query Only (No Physics Collision)’ on a Skeletal Mesh I still get blocking collisions with other objects. This does not make sense to me as with Static Meshes setting ‘Collision Enabled’ to ‘Query Only (No Physics Collision)’ results in having no physics (blocking) collision at all.

(Context: I need the ‘Query Only’ setting because I want to be able to detect my mesh with a LineTrace/SphereTrace etc…)

Has anyone ever had to deal with these sorts of issues?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


The query only means it will generate overlap events,. Physics means it will generate hit events. If your mesh is set to Block All then collisions and physics will still work the same,. The event just won’t be fired in the opposing blueprints. You need to make sure your skeletal mesh is set to overlap all or ignore all to get your desired results. Also make sure there’s no other components with collisions. If you have a character the capsule will have separate collision settings than the mesh.

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Hi ViceVersa, thanks for the reply. However, I think your explanation is a little bit reductive of what ‘Collision Enabled’ setting is for. I believe there is more than just what event type is triggered or not. Maybe your explanation is correct for Skeletal meshes but then again, I don’t understand why it wouldn’t apply for Static meshes and Collision shapes (capsule, box, sphere).

sorry im not quite sure what youre asking, but if you need one component to ignore a certain type of object you can set it to ignore that type, and you can manually set this in blueprints if it needs to be toggled. Line traces dont use collisions, they use trace channels, you could set one of them to ignore everything except the trace channel you need

Hey, sorry I was not clear. Basically, I want to know if what I described is bug or not : setting ‘Query Only’ collisions on a skeletal mesh doesn’t deactivate the blocking collision (while I think it should). Going around this problem is not what I’m asking (as it is quite easy). :slight_smile:

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HI Elou44, I met the same question. In UE5.4, I create a Actor with a sphere collision component as root and a static mesh component ( I call it ActorA), then I create a same actor like ActorA(I call it ActorB), I disable the static mesh component’s collision for both of them(set the collision enabled to No Collision), for the sphere collision component’s collision preset, I set them block each other and for the collision enabled, I set both of them Query Collision(No Physics). Then here is what I am confused: I make ActorA move to ActorB(by projectile component), and there is a physics effect, ActorA bounce off But ActorB stays still.But I think there should not be any physics effect.Maybe if I want a no physics effect, I should set them overlap for each other

I think these two maps will help you(at least they do help me)