Skeletal Mesh Collision Not Blocking

I have a pawn with a skeletal mesh that doesn’t seem to be detecting collision. To demonstrate, I set up both my pawn model and a mannequin to block incoming particles. The mannequin blocks the particles while my pawn’s skeletal mesh does not. They both have the same collision settings, and I added a large capsule to my pawn’s physics asset to ensure that blocking would occur if it was an issue with the size of the pawn’s previous collision. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Side by side visualization

Collision Settings

Physics Asset View

I think I struggled with this as well. Try to check the physical asset - click the capsule you added and see if it has proper settings, for example:
maybe there’s more settings and details to fiddle with, I’m almost sure in my case the problem was within the Physical Asset.

Hey lordlolek, thanks for the response. I took a look at these settings and they seem to be the same as the mannequin’s. Very perplexing issue, thanks for taking a stab at it!

