skeletal mesh cant import custom LOD1

Hi, I’m trying to import a custom LOD for my character, but I’ve never been able to get it to work.

As a test, I export the character skeleton, then re-import it as a custom LOD, which works. So next, I try importing that same FBX into Maya and export it without any changes, then import it in Unreal as LOD1, but I get the error “Failed to import LOD1.” There is no further explanation or hint at why it fails, it just fails.

It’s just a troubleshooting step so I can figure out how to get a custom LOD imported into my character, but I can’t get it working. I’ve tried many combinations of FBX export options, but Unreal refuses to accept the FBX once it’s been imported and exported from Maya.

Since I exported the skeleton from Unreal and didn’t make any changes, the file structure and names are all matching exactly. I just can’t see why this wouldn’t work. I’ve tried exporting as FBX 2009 through to 2020, with the Y-up axis, smoothing groups, split per-vertex normals, tangents and binormals, animation on/off, and constraints on/off.

I’m using Unreal 5.3 and Maya 2025. Has anyone got any ideas as to why this doesn’t work, or is Unreal and Maya just incompatible with this kind of thing?

Thank you

ahh its the top level group that i need to change. got it

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