Like the title says when I set any animation in local space the anim breaks because all the bones change their location to the root bone location, I have test it in other characters and the same happens, the thing is no matter what I do, if I use animation for reference pose nothing changes, I have test it in 4.12 and 4.13 and the same happens in both versions, I need to solve it in order to make the rotation of the head possible using the transformation bone node from the animgraph.
Hi Miguline,
Can you be more descriptive about how you are testing this and what you are trying to achieve? What anim assets you are using? With what skeletal mesh? etc.
Post screenshots if possible. Also, it would be really helpful if you could share a blank project with just the assets in question… If this is possible, send a link to a zipped folder to me on our .
Hi Thank you for the answer, so I will post the screnshots, if it wouldn’t be enought I will send you the assets in a blank project.
this is the skeletal asset
This is what I want to achieve, the purpose is to make the head rotate, to do that I need the animation to be local space
And this is the test, I just connect the animation in local space to the animation pose so there you can see what happens, if the problem happens because of something related to the , how I will need to set up?.
Are you using your own animation assets or animations from the marketplace? Have you read the documentation on Using Additive Animations?
Also, have you read the documentation on Transform Bone? Your setup looks somewhat different from what’s shown in the example.
If reviewing those two doc pages does not help you resolve the issue on your own, please send a link to your zipped project to me on the .
Okey, changing the bone to be modified works, I did just put instead of the head the neck to be the modified bone, but if I would want in the future change one animation to mesh space to make an aim offset for example, it won’t work because It will break the , by the way I am using my own and animations, even if my main problem is solve do you want me to send you a zipped project, I have already prepared to send it, the truth is that I want to make sure that the is not the problem.
Yes I would like to see the zipped project to better understand how making an aim offset will break the .
But how can I do it? I mean, do I open a Post?? because I don’t know who to send a message with the link??
Okey I am sorry, I dont know why but typing you name it didn’t math to someone but now it works
Hi miguline,
When you’re using additive animations in animBPs, you need to use the Apply Additive node. Additive is really only adding rotation to bones and when you apply it directly to the Final Pose, this is what happens. You’lll notice in your “localmesh.jpg” screenshot that the animation has a “Base Pose”…try removing that and seeing what happens. Apply Additive will allow you to use a base pose.
Let me know if that helps.
Hi, Thanks It did work, and I have been able to set up the aim offset correctly.