Hi all,
I am making an environment with a cctv camera static mesh which I would like to move every time I click on certain objects in my scene. While I can create simple skeletal animations and import them from blender, I do not understand how can they “transition” from one another without returning to the idle state.
For example, I click on an object in my scene, and the cctv static mesh rotates to focus on it (State B), and it does not get back to idle state (state A). If I click on another object right after, it should go grom state B to state C, but I do not have that specific animation, as for each of the animations I go from idle state (state A) to all other ones.
I am new to animations in Unreal, and it seems like a whole another world, and I do not even know where to start. Watching tutorials and documentation does not seem to work for me, as all of it is focused mostly on character animations.
What would be the best approach to do this? Where should I start?
Thanks a lot!