Skeletal animation export from Blender: root motion problem

When I export an animation from Blender and import it into UE4 the first bone in the skeletal hierarchy will be Armature and not my intended root bone. Because of that root motion does’n work.

I’m using the Latest version of Blender and UE4: Blender 2.75 and UE 4.9

The scale and rotation seems to work but the added first bone is a problem. Also this 40 frame long animation is shows as 29 Frames long is the animation view in Persona but the same animation put in a montage has 40 Frames again. For the moment this is not a problem but it may hint at where the problem lies. This is just a prototype but I need root motion.

I’ve tried enabling / disabling “Add Leaf Bones” but it didn’t seem to affect anything.

Line 2477 connections.append((b"OO", get_fbx_uuid_from_key(empty_key), ob_obj.fbx_uuid, None))

This code causes this problem
Delete or comment out it

where is this line of code?

In Blender 2.79 , The line is here