The size of Android build APK+OBB in 4.25 was 120 MB but in 4.26 (even more optimized textures) same project has Android build of 243 MB
What we should do to reduce as in 4.25. Is it BUG because COOKED FOLDER is smaller then APK.
Please help.
The size of Android build APK+OBB in 4.25 was 120 MB but in 4.26 (even more optimized textures) same project has Android build of 243 MB
What we should do to reduce as in 4.25. Is it BUG because COOKED FOLDER is smaller then APK.
Please help.
I analyzed apk and found out that is uncompressed. This is the main reason of apk’s big size.
I also checked it for 4.25: .so is compressed, so this is 4.26 bug.
I don’t know why it’s happening