Why are brush settings for Sculpt and Paint shared within the Landscape Tool?
Those are completely different tools we use back and forth all the time?!
Why are brush settings for Lasso, Paint, etc. shared within the Foliage Tool?
Those are completely different tools we use back and forth all the time?!
Why do we have to select all foliage items from the list and hover over them, just to reveal the checkboxes for currently activated foliage?
I don’t get it… can you please just show the checkboxes like in UE4?! … and please don’t tell me to use the list view mode. Sheesh.
Since you feel like going for all the modes; Why can we not have a Spline Mode? and actually; Why do we even have to make an impromptu Spline BP by ourselves and not have a “native” Spline object in the first place?
The spline gizmo in Select mode is a nightmare. The selection of tangents is horrible. We need an Outliner and Details panel for splines. Landscape splines (first, being a complete mystery), later just get lost in the landscape forever. Spline BPs are just messy and time consuming, still necessary for lots of realistic things; There is no quick alignment, no angle reset, no equal tangent length… those missing features totally underestimate the power of splines. Do people really need to afford a decent Spline BP from the marketplace?
Why is nobody else complaining about this stuff on a daily basis? If you use Unreal frequently this is most certainly beyond slightly annoying.
Please Epic, don’t be like Adobe. Interface first, shiny features later!