Simulation mode problem

as of this morning, I cannot edit/move objects while in Simulation mode in 4.7.0, even if they are set to be movable.
I used to move Radialforce actors around breakable objects, to test them. Now I can select them, but not move any of them.
Also the viewport quality change noticably between the normal editing mode and the simulation mode. Never noticed that before, but I don’t know if it is related. See the screenshot attached, it is noticable with the guizmo mostly.


Hello ,

When you’re in simulation mode, it’s simulating the game within the project you’re working on. So for example, if I take our first person template and place it into simulation mode, I will not be able to move any of the objects, except for the character. He can be dragged around the whole level, kicking the white blocks out of the way. But the white blocks will not move, unless they’re hit (as intended in the game).

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply.

Hi ,

I have a copy of Unreal on one PC, and when I enter Simulate mode, I can still move the RadialForceActor around and see the effect on my physic meshes.
On an other PC, when I enter Simulate, the screen change (the quality degrade) and I cannot move the RadialForceActor anymore.
I don’t understand what is wrong.
I can post a video if need be.


Hey ,

Are the two computers you’re using the exact same, or do they have different specs? If so, could you please provide me with the dxdiag from both computers? If you’re not sure how to obtain the dxdiag , please go to your start menu and type in ‘dxdiag’ and the .exe should appear. Please load that, and then click on the button ‘save all information’.

Also, are any of your editor settings different from the other? Or are they all default?

Provide as much information as possible, so we can further assist you.

the 2 machines are different. Here are the dxdiag for both.
The editors are default.
many thanks
[link text][1]

[link text][2]

33181-dxdiagwork.txt (43.2 KB)
[2]: 33182-dxdiaghome.txt (71 KB)

Hey ,

As long as the static mesh has the mobility of ‘movable’ then it will move within a simulated game setting. If it does not have that setting before going into the simulation mode, the object will not move. Which computer isn’t allowing you to move the objects, the Windows 7 or Windows 8 machine?



it is the RadialForceActor that I cannot move while in Simulation mode, not a static mesh.
The problem comes from the Windows 7 pc.

Hey ,

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was simply giving an example of what would move, and what wouldn’t move in simulate. If something is set to ‘static’ it wouldn’t/shouldn’t move in simulate mode.

However, from what I’ve gathered from our discussion is that you’re using the same exact project, with the same settings, but on a different computer and you’re receiving different outcomes? Therefore, it seems as if either something has changed in your project on one of the systems, or your Windows 7 with a GTX 560 is ignoring the RadialActorForce physics entirely?

Have you tried updating your editor to 4.7.2 on both machines, to see if the same issue happens?

Also, would you mind zipping your project for me and sending it to me? I’d like to test this out on my machine, as I’m running Windows 7, but with a different graphics card.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, how do I update to 4.7.2? I am still at 4.7.0 and see no options in the launcher to download the 4.7.2.

For this I did not make projects per se. I just start a new project with the basics, place a RadialForceActor and a dynamic mesh (awake turned off) , select the Radial actor, enter Simulate mode. On one machine (Windows 8) I can move the Radial actor, on the other one, I can’t. When I say move, it is not with Blueprint or Matinee, it’s moving the gizmo of the Radial Actor in the viewport to see it’s influence on a physical mesh for example.

Thank you for your help

Hey ,

You can update your version of the Engine by launching the Unreal Launcher and going to the Library. You should then see your version of the Engine you’re working out of, and an update should appear. There should be a ‘!’ as an indicator. If you do not see it, would you mind using the drop-down button to select ‘verify’ and see if that forces the update to appear? If you haven’t restarted the launcher in a while, you may want to do that as well to help the update appear.

Could you try using the same project you were working out of on your Windows 8 machine, on your Windows 7 machine and vice versa? I’d really like to see if it’s reacting the way it sounds.

Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

Hi, thank you for the help.

I restarted a new project (not just level) and simply put a RadialForceActor and some random physic meshes : it worked. So I must have messed up my previous project in some way on the windows7 PC.


Hey ,

I’m glad that your issue has since been resolved. From what you’ve described to me, it sounds as if the projects you were working out of on each machine weren’t identical.

If you have any further questions, please let us know. Have a wonderful weekend! :slight_smile: