An Unreal Engine game. A player to select different size/style rockets and land each one
under extreme wind conditions. Different rockets will have different thruster configurations but
they are mainly booster engines at the bottom and equally placed thrusters on the sides to
keep the rocket level.
The rocket starts descending from 100km altitude under Earth’s gravity. In the beginning, it is
not eventful. It only starts to experience wind/weather at 20km and is the most intense in the
last 3km. Every level is a different wind condition. They are mostly directional wind, but
occasionally vortex like a tornado.
At 300m above the ground, the legs will unfold and the rocket lands on the ground based on the
actual physics of the legs propping the cylinder up (like the first youTube example). The legs
could be longer if needed to help land.
It won’t be easy but has to be possible. If the rocket tips over or crash it explodes.
Just 1 thruster at the bottom, add the directional boosters on the side of the rockets, all around,
360, perhaps 4, 6, or 8 of them.
Camera angle: It’s a 3D game. We may need two views, one you currently have (a bit wider).
The other one is top-down. The player uses one for elevation control and the other to aim at the
landing pad.
Bottom booster: should never be so strong that it allows the rocket to travel up and leave the
planet. It can halt the fall for a few seconds, but the mass should always be pulling it lower.
I’d like it if the rocket could spin out of control and a player needed to counter-spin the rocket to
get it back stable/level. Does it mean adding two additional thrusters to make the rocket turn
clockwise and counter-clockwise (spin control)?
Wind will mostly be directional in different strengths. But also vortex-spinning tornado.
How to set up the wind that affects the rocket ???
As well as the rocket should have all real world physics except for the fuel part