Simulated Physics Vehicle and Attached Characters Drifting Issue

So I am attempting to make a hovering vehicle based on an object simulating physics, with forces applied by inputs to control the vehicle. It works great, its fun to use, and I’m getting some advanced controls set up.

Currently, the character is “attach actor to component” attached to the physX mesh, at a socket defined on the static mesh.

However, the character is drifting around based on the velocity of the vehicle. I’ve tried updating transforms at tick, but it seems to have no effect.

Do I need to use a physics constraint? Is there a setting I need to figure out based on if the position is being set pre/post physics tick? Or is this a bug with the engine (I’ve heard people say chaos has issues)?

Thanks in advance to anyone who answers!
Here is an attached video to show what I’m talking about

Shoot I had something similar I forget my solution but I believe it was where the child actor was attached I had to move it to get it to stop drifting

Hmm interesting idea, I’ll see if I can get a setup to work with child actors, thanks dude!

I don’t think child actors are the move - I don’t think I can even set them at runtime? It seems I can only spawn a child actor with a class, rather than slot my player character into one when they board the vehicle.

I figured this out - the build I was using had two meshes - one invisible mesh simulating physics for collision and one mesh interpolating to it on tick, and I had attached the character to the physics mesh, which seems to always have a drifting aspect to it when used with attach actor to component.

The fix was to attach the character to the visual mesh, and make sure it was clear of collision with the physics mesh, as adding a character with some collision still enabled caused interference with the physics mesh.

Dumb I know but hopefully this can help someone down the line.

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