Simulate Physics (Phys Material) not work in UE4.25.3 with chaos enabled

Following document “Chaos Destruction Overview” and “Building Unreal Engine from Source”, I built UE4.25.3 with Chaos.

Then, Phys Material looks not working. Looks like there are no friction and bounciness.

Generally, I followed instructions written in document, but I changed some to avoid error:

1.In Japanese Building Unreal Engine from Source document says

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 がインストール済であることを確認した

(Make sure Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 is installed)
but I used Visual Studio 2017 because VS2015 says UE4 solution is incompatible.
(I made sure VS2015 is installed, but I used VS2017)

2.After build succeed, assertion raised

Shader type was loaded after engine init, use ELoadingPhase::PostConfigInit on your module to cause it to load earlier.

(Shader.cpp Line:243)

Then I found solution in forums, I modified WindowsMixedRealityPlugin.uplugin as below:

This issue will be raised by loading WindowsMixedRealityPlugin at PostEngineInit phase. Normally it will be loaded at PostConfigInit.

You can set EnableByDefault true in WindowsMixedRealityPlugin.uplugin to fix it temporarily.

After that, build version of UE4 is successfully launched, but phys is not work well.
It looks like no friction there.
I checked in blank project, rolling template, and existing my project made in UE4.25.3.

In blank project, I made rotated plane as slope, and Cylinder with Simulate Physics enabled.
Cylinder slides on slope, no rotating.

In rolling template, player rotates as I input, but just rotate on ground. No moving as there are no friction.
Boxes automatically slips on ground, without touching (in fact I can’t touch them because I can’t move).

Applying and modifying phys material is not bring changes, even in friction is max, Restitution is 2 or more,
objects won’t friction, bounce, anything. Just drop with gravity.

I disabled Chaos with reverting UE4Editor.Target.cs and WindowsMixedRealityPlugin.uplugin and built again.
Then Phys material and Simulate Physics are works fine.

I need solution to fix this. Any advice is appreciated.