Simulate physics on Skeletal Mesh teleport to origin

I’m trying to set simulate physics on a skeletal mesh to do a ragdoll of my character at death. But when the physics is simulated the mesh is teleported to origin. Also the ragdoll go crazy while it works perfectly in the PhysicsAsset.

Hi Thomson,

How are you setting the character to rag doll in the viewport? If you’re doing anything via the event graph in your BP it would be helpful to see that. Once you’ve posted that I can look see if I can reproduce this with the bi-pedal character that I have. Unfortunately, I do not have a quadru-ped, so hopefully there will be a similar situation that I can see on my end.



Hi Tim,

I tried the two following settings :

  • “set simulate physics” directly in the details panel of the skeletal mesh in the viewport.

  • In Graph : “set simulate physics” on the “Begin Play” event. And “set world position” does nothing.

For both I tried with “Block All” and “Ragdoll” Collision presets.

The weird thing is that I also have an other project on 4.4 with the same settings (not the same skeletal mesh) and the physics works.

Hi Thomson,

Got it. This is actually a bug that has already been reported by me a little while back with UE-11266. I’ve gone ahead and added this post to the report.

Once a solution has been reached I will update the post here with any relevant information.

thanks for your patience while this is being looked into.

I thinks, just noting that I am also experiancing the same issue.

Got the same issue, any update on this?

No update at this time. The issue has been assigned to a developer to look into.

Once there is an update I’ll pass along any information.

Any updates yet, please?

Is your Skeletal Mesh scale set to 1,1,1, because I’ve seen problems with scaled meshes.

In 4.18, the root of the mesh during simulate physics gets set to world coordinate of its actor relative offset. Which seems very wrong.

may be related to this:

this issue occured only when I enabled a lock position prior to actually simulating the physics. the intended goal was to set the system up to only allow z-movement during ragdoll, and then trigger ragdoll when needed, but setting contraints prior to the simulation trigger caused issues.