Simulate Physics cause character mesh to fall through the floor after changing editor version

I just converted my project from version 4.8 to 4.9 and now when a pawn mesh is set to simulate physics it falls through the floor, whenever is set in the properties or through blueprint.

I already tried to set CCD and to set the collision to block all but nothing changed.

Also if I start from the 3rd person template the simulate physics tickbox in the mesh properties is grayed out and if I set it through blueprint it doesn’t go in ragdoll.

I have the exact same problem, upgraded from 4.8 to 4.9 and now my characters are falling through the floor when set physics is enabled.

Have you checked the collision profiles in project settings to make sure they are the same?

So I figured out what was wrong with mine, I clicked on the character, went into Details->Collisions->Mesh and set Collision Preset to Ragdoll.


Even if you set this in the Character BP, you still need to click on the character itself in the world, go to the details panel, select mesh, and set it in there. FYI!

That didn’t work for me…

Set collision type: query and physics. or else it will fly thru everything.

me neither as I spawn my enemy ai

Hi try to active collision for “Query and Physics” on your Mesh


Characters will sink into the ground when simulated physics is enabled

Actually took me like 5 hours to find this, I’d send you like $5 if I could

Have you found the solution for this?

Specific to the engine version?
If you are on a newer one you may want to open your own unrelated topic.