Simple way to Add In-App Purchase on Android Game?

How can I create a simple kinda of donate/in-app purchase thing for google play? I am totally new to this so I’m sure how exactly to start it.

I found this but aside from what’s there I don’t quite understand how that’s started or is it put on a custom event maybe?

Hey Deyyus, I had a hard time with this myself and I finally managed it. It is especially important that you have all the settings correctly in your project settings.

Make sure to fill in the ‘Extra Permissions’ at ‘Advanced APK Packaging’ in project settings.
I think you need the following 2 things: ‘’ and ‘android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS’

Then you must ensure that the ‘Distribution Signing’ and ‘Google Play Services’ are completely filled in correctly.

If all settings in unreal are correct, you can simply use the ‘Make an In-App Purchase’ node.
The ‘Product Request Product Identifier’ is very important, it must be exactly the same as you did at the google play console.

Fill in everything correctly is the most important, after that it is very easy to invoke a payment because you only need that one ‘Make an In-App Purchase’ node.

Hopefully, this will help you.

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A while ago, I also helped someone with their In-App Purchase, maybe this will also help you.

Does this method work with subscriptions? Consumable purchases work perfect with store v2 but subscriptions don’t get a response from google play. The non consumable boolean doesn’t do anything.

  1. Install Java Version 11.
  2. Update these values in aar-imports.txt.

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Build\Android\Java\aar-imports.txt,play-services-auth,11.8.0,play-services-games,23.0.0,play-services-nearby,11.8.0,play-services-plus,11.8.0


After done researching for few weeks finally i have successfully done In App Purchases

hey are you available on ? discord: AkshayGadekar