Simple spline mesh example help


I am fairly new to Unreal. I am trying to spawn a simple spline mesh. I have had no success so far. The code I have causes the engine to crash. I have even tried removing the for loop to do only a single start, end and tangent for a mesh, but it did not work either. I’ve tried removing different parts and changing it up, and it looks like it crashes when calling the “MySplineMesh->SetStartAndEnd()” function.

My method and code may be completely wrong. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.

(about the error:
Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
I received a similar error c0000001 at one point with this struggle as well, but not most recently.)

 	// Set this actor to call Tick() 
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = false;

        // Create a root component
	USceneComponent *TopScene = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("RootComponent"));
	RootComponent = TopScene;

	// create a SplineComponent
	USplineComponent *MySpline = CreateDefaultSubobject<USplineComponent>(TEXT("SplineComponent"));

	// add tangents 
	MySpline->AddSplinePoint(FVector(1000, 1, 1), ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
	MySpline->AddSplinePoint(FVector(1, 1000, 1), ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
	MySpline->AddSplinePoint(FVector(2000, 1, 1), ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
	MySpline->AddSplinePoint(FVector(1, 2000, 1), ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
	MySpline->AddSplinePoint(FVector(3000, 1, 1), ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);
	// create static mesh

	for (int32 i = 0; i < MySpline->GetNumberOfSplinePoints() - 1; i++)

		//USplineMeshComponent *MySplineMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<USplineMeshComponent>(TEXT("SplineMeshComponent"));
		USplineMeshComponent *MySplineMesh = ConstructObject<USplineMeshComponent>(USplineMeshComponent::StaticClass(), this);
		MySplineMesh->AttachParent = MySpline;
		// set scale of mesh
		MySplineMesh->SetStartScale(FVector2D(1, 1));
		MySplineMesh->SetEndScale(FVector2D(1, 1));

		FVector pointLocationStart, pointLocationEnd, pointTangentStart, pointTangentEnd;

		MySpline->GetLocationAndTangentAtSplinePoint(i, pointLocationStart, pointTangentStart, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local);
		MySpline->GetLocationAndTangentAtSplinePoint(i + 1, pointLocationEnd, pointTangentEnd, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local);

		MySplineMesh->SetStartAndEnd(pointLocationStart, pointTangentStart, pointLocationEnd, pointTangentEnd);


