Not that it can be of much interest to the coders here(I consider my self to be on the bottom of the food chain when it comes to code) , but yesterday while doing my regular dumpster diving in the archived forums ive found this nice kismet script that lets you save most stuff without the need of a dll. And I tested that the save works on 64bit and 32bit.And even the save from the 32 bit one works on the 64 bit and viceversa.
*class SaveLoad_Object extends Object;*
*var int iValue;*
*var float fValue;*
*var int bValue;*
*var vector vValue;*
*var string sValue;*
*iValue = 0*
*fValue = 0.0*
*bValue = 0*
*vValue = (X=0,Y=0,Z=0)*
*sValue = ""*
*} *
class SeqAct_SaveLoadString extends SequenceAction;
event Activated()
local SaveLoad_Object savedObject;
local SeqVar_Int IntVar;
local SeqVar_Float FloatVar;
local SeqVar_Bool BoolVar;
local SeqVar_Vector VectorVar;
local SeqVar_String StringVar;
if (InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse)
OutputLinks[0].bHasImpulse = TRUE;
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Int', IntVar, "Ints" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
savedObject.iValue = IntVar.IntValue;
class'Engine'.static.BasicSaveObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(IntVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0);
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Float', FloatVar, "Floats" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
savedObject.fValue = FloatVar.FloatValue;
class'Engine'.static.BasicSaveObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(FloatVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0);
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Bool', BoolVar, "Bools" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
savedObject.bValue = BoolVar.bValue;
class'Engine'.static.BasicSaveObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(BoolVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0);
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Vector', VectorVar, "Vectors" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
savedObject.vValue = VectorVar.VectValue;
class'Engine'.static.BasicSaveObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(VectorVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0);
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_String', StringVar, "Strings" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
savedObject.sValue = StringVar.strValue;
class'Engine'.static.BasicSaveObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(StringVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0);
if (InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse) // Load
OutputLinks[1].bHasImpulse = TRUE;
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Int', IntVar, "Ints" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
if(class'Engine'.static.BasicLoadObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(IntVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0))
IntVar.IntValue = savedObject.iValue;
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Float', FloatVar, "Floats" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
if(class'Engine'.static.BasicLoadObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(FloatVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0))
FloatVar.FloatValue = savedObject.fValue;
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Bool', BoolVar, "Bools" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
if(class'Engine'.static.BasicLoadObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(BoolVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0))
BoolVar.bValue = savedObject.bValue;
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_Vector', VectorVar, "Vectors" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
if(class'Engine'.static.BasicLoadObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(VectorVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0))
VectorVar.VectValue = savedObject.vValue;
foreach LinkedVariables( class'SeqVar_String', StringVar, "Strings" )
savedObject = new class'SaveLoad_Object';
if(class'Engine'.static.BasicLoadObject(savedObject, "..\\..\\SavedKismetVariables\\" $ string(StringVar.VarName) $ ".bin", true, 0))
StringVar.strValue = savedObject.sValue;
ObjName="Save/Load String Variables"
VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Float' ,LinkDesc="Floats",bWriteable=TRUE)
VariableLinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Bool', LinkDesc="Bools",bWriteable=TRUE)
Here is a simple example of touching a trigger>hiding a cube>save and after that load the level with the cube now hidden.
It also works on ¨¨play from here¨¨ and it creates a folder SavedKismetVariables with the .bin saves in your udk game installation folder automatically.
So I might be leaving Krushas Ultimate save system as its a 32bit dll only and go full 64bit build with this thing.Hope someone finds it to be useful in the future