I’m following unreal engine’s [tutorial][1] and in Chapter 1.4 I made function MoveForward in the Level Blueprint to AddActorLocalOffset by 2. But when I try to reference an Arrow object to the newly created/called function (for when player presses the “1” key), I can’t connect the nodes because “Arrow Object Reference is not compatible with Self Object Reference.” Even when going ahead to Chapter 1.5 and trying to reference an Arrow object Array Element to the function MoveForward, I get the same error. I did everything exacly the same as the video tutorial and using the downloaded project files. What gives? Note that the MoveForward blueprint is in a separate (function) tab from the other two which are in the event graph.
Rookie mistake The old link was removed (404 error) and this tutorial is now in the new online Learning Portal under the title Blueprint for Enterprises. I restarted it and didn’t have the same problem. After comparing the two project attempts for some time … finally found the problem. I accidently created the MoveForward function under the Level Blueprint instead of inside the Arrow blueprint. So the first picture was wrong and shouldn’t be in Level Blueprint but rather the Arrow blueprint itself.