hello, I am pretty new to UE5 and game dev in general, I am trying to set up a tile based movement system using simple move to location and navmesh but its not behaving as expected. i have a function that turns the target location to the center of the tile, and it works perfectly with “set actor location” but it wont work with simple move to, i have the navmesh set up properly as there is green indicators on the walkable area. when i run the game and move, the character basically goes to any place in the tile but the center. if you need any further information please ask and i’ll provide everything.
thanks to anyone who takes the time to help <3
SimpleMoveToActor/Location use the agent’s default acceptance radius, which can be set for example in CharacterMovementComponent. Perhaps your radius is bigger than 0? In that case moves using that radius would stop if your actor reaches a point within that radius from the target location
If you are using AI controllers, you can use the more elaborate Move To Location Or Actor function that allows you to modify the move request
that got me closer to the solution! i’ve found out that if i set my character’s capsule radius to 1 he moves to the center correctly, but that isn’t a good solution i should find a way to fix it from the nav mesh itself. i’ve tried to tinker around but so far no luck, i would really appreciate any help.