Simple move to location AI alternative

Hello, I am having some difficulty centering a pawn on clicked location using SimpleMoveTo.

My issue stems from using the top down game template:

Within the default PlayerController click-to-move set-up, it uses the navigation action SimpleMoveToLocation.

As such, there is the known issue that SimpleMoveToLocation does not move the character to directly over the clicked location, instead it stops movement once the perimeter of the characters capsule has collided with the clicked location, resulting in the mesh stopping short of the desired location. For example:

So this brought me to various questions on this forum and elsewhere about a workaround that uses an AI controller in order to use the MoveToLocation which requires an AI controller.

However, I have not seen any complete examples and have been unable to fully grasp the idea.

for example: Help with Point Click Movement Please

I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a simple fix, or some examples of the aicontroller method using the default top down template.



I was having the same issue and your graphic illustration helped.
You can change the Capsule radius in blueprint before the simple move to location call to eg 1.0 and then after the simple move to location is complete, leave a little delay and change it back to the original value. This should get you almost to the precise location. There is also a ‘move component to’ node, which can be used but this doesn’t trigger any animations.