I have an array of target points (name of array is waypoints) and I was trying to use Simple Move to Actor node to mode through my target points. My character, however, will not move.
I have a Spawn Default Controller attached to my Event Begin Play in the event graph.
Yes, I am using the default AI controller. I was modifying Mhousse1247’s AI system (http://goo.gl/4OTvz1) so there is no custom AI Controller or behavior tree.
Ok next try, does your character have anything at “AIController”? Because this is what “SpawnDefaultController” spawns. If you did not select the basic “AI Controller” there it will not be able to use AI functionality.
Ah ok in this case the array is irrelevant. If you fill it dynamically it can happen that you do so after you’ve tried to get information out of that array set leaving you with no result which can obviously not happen in this case.
So going on to my (hopefully) last question:
What is your actor expanding? Actor, Pawn, Character?
Because only Character provides locomotion functions (as far as I know)