I am using a “Simple move to location” in a level that I’ll call Level B. If I deploy it to my iOS device, it moves my character flawlessly. So it does in the simulation. But if a deploy Level A, and from there, in game, I load Level B, “Simple move to location” does not work at all, but only in device as the sub level works fine in simulator!
- I have a nav mesh, green as a lettuce, in the level B.
- Player controller being the same in A or B, does not matter.
- In all cases, “Simple move to location” is being called (tried using timer or interaction, breakpoints go to it).
- No warning or error about nav mesh not built is appearing. Problem persists with Force Rebuild Navmesh On or Off. Tried removing and adding new navmesh. Tried recreating everything over and over.
- Adding a supported agent in navigation systems doesn’t fix anything (it actually generates a lot of externally reference warnings in my project but I think that is a different bug in 4.9 btw)
- My character has assigned an AIController (as I said, it moves well when level B is deployed directly as main level)
- “Move to Location” has the same problem. “Move to Component” using the root works though, but it is not what I need.
- Target point is unique of Level B, hardcoded to a specific location within the navmesh.
A demo for testing the issue [can be downloaded here][2]. Touching the ball will load a second level in which, after 2 seconds, the spheric character should move but it doesn’t.
EDIT: I’ve just confirmed that this is repro also in 4.8