Alright guys so i’ve done everything to do this simple mod, basically just taking the mortar and pestle and increasing the inventory slots. I have done everything correct it works as i want it to, the only issue is when i get in game and open the mortar and pestle up there is no craft option lol. It’s its own custom mod copied exactly from the regular mortar and pestle so im at a loss. Any ideas?
So the issues is within this option here. When i set it to my custom Itemstructure. If i use the default mortar and pestle here it works fine in game. It just is when i make it my custom item structure it doesn’t work, which is a direct copy from the default mortar and pestle…Any help would be amazing
To add a new structure, you have to make a new item and a new structure, set the item to build the structure and the structure to consume the item upon placement. You also need to specify the structure in the additional field in PrimalGameData.
As for crafting inside a structure, make sure to attach an inventory component and check that it has the recipes you want.
ive done all of this still doesn’t work
It should work if you had done everything correctly.
Could you give me more detail for how you set things up?
I too have this interestingly annoying problem.
I created a new M&P.
I created all 13 new items to be crafted, the engram and the consumable BP. (these are based on the Narcotic BP’s)
All have the requirement to use the new M&P’s Inventory.
I referenced these in the new M&P’s Inventory BP.
I referenced these in the new M&P Component Tab.
I referenced these in the PrimalGameData: Additional Engrams and the Additional Structure Egnrams (under the New M&P)
Everything works great, until you go to craft something. There’s no CRAFT buttons in the structure.
You still need to learn the engrams to be able to craft them. Only auto-craft recipes can be made w/o an engram or blueprint.
That is a given.
After learning all the Engrams - Those that are learned properly show up in the new M&P, those I don’t - well… don’t. That’s expected. What isn’t is this: There’s no way to CRAFT the properly learned ones. There’s not even a CRAFT button IN the new M&P. No matter what materials are present or Engrams are Learned.
Yea guys im still having the issue. it makes no sense really.
Alrighty. There seems to be too many places you can ‘add items’ for a crafting inventory.
From what I’m finding out - the INVENTORY BP is - well, useless except to make me re-input what is already in the component tab. EXCEPT for the reference of the inventory BP in the ‘crafted’ item’s “crafting requires inventory component”. Not sure how those are linked in anyway - since you can’t tell the component tab which inventory file it is to use.
Putting things in the Additional Structure Engrams just duplicates what’s already in the Components Tab (making 2 appear in the list of craft list instead of one.)
So I started over. Let’s take the steps in earnest and see what happens:
I create a new item - let’s call it: Powder - a consumable item. so it’s files are: EngramEntry_Powdertest and PrimalItemConsumable_Powdertest – for simplicity
- I copy the Main BP, Structure, Inventory and Engram of the Mortar and Pestle Original to the new mod folder.
- I rename these to fit the new item test (we’ll use mandptest, EngramEntry_mandptest, PrimalInventoryBP_mandptest and PrimalItemStructure_mandptest). Clear the Default Inventory Items and Engrams.
- I go through the PrimalItemConsumable_Powdertest and point it to the new Inventory BP.
- I go through and add the new item to: the component tab and the inventory BP’s Default Inventory Items (the PrimalItemConsumable_Powdertest)
- I set the Default Engram to 1, requiring the Engram to be learned to use.
- Add the mandptest the Additional Structures to Place in PrimalGameData_BP.
- Add the EngramEntry_mandptest and EngramEntry_Powdertest to the Additional Engram Blueprint Classes in PrimalGameData_BP
- Now here I would normally have added the PrimalItemConsumable_Powdertest to the Additional Structure Engrams under the For Class mandptest (but this just adds a duplicate to the list of that item already in the component tab’s Default Inventory.) I’ll reference this again in a second.
- Let’s Test the New Items: put the PrimalGameData_BP into a TestMap’s Primal Game Data Override and start the In Game Editor (Alt-P).
- Everything seems smooth. I give myself enough experience to be able to purchase some engrams (like a player would have to do).
- I Learn the Engrams to Craft the new mandptest structure and the Powedertest crafting item.
- I craft the new mandptest. It appears in the inventory just fine.
- I place the new mandptest, it places just fine.
14 I access the inventory of the mandptest. It shows in red the Powdertest (no craft button). - I add the ingredients to make the Powdertest item it turns from red to the proper color (no craft button).
- I wait a second, still no craft button.
- Smash Head into brick wall to dull the pain of this. :rolleyes:
18 Exit the Editor Playback (ESC key).
Not sure what more I could possible do. So I try adding the item to the additional structure engrams.
- I return to step 8 - and complete it.
- Re-run 10-13.
- Except now there’s 2 Powdertest showing in the box instead of one. Both react to putting items into the inventory for crafting. Neither are craftable and the Craft Button is still not showing.
- I return to my brick wall for comfort.
Anything missing from those steps?
Okay, 22 steps are way too many and I’m getting confused. Here’s how you add recipes that do work:
- Create a new structure variant in any way you prefer. Let’s assume we’re going with copying as that is the simplest option.
- Properly reference the structure to consume its item, the item to create the structure, and add the structure to “additional structures” in PrimalGameData.
- Add your custom inventory as component to the structure and remove any other inventory component it might have. Check that the inventory component is using default values (this is important as it is effectively a hidden child class).
- Add your item recipes to “default inventory” and set corresponding “default engrams” to 1. You don’t need to set “additional structure engrams” as that will end up duplicating them (but you can do it instead of editing the inventory).
- If the items are not auto-craft, then create engrams for each one and properly link them to the items. If they are, then make sure to “check for auto-craft blueprints” in the inventory.
- If you are creating custom variants of existing materials, they have to be made as child classes - otherwise they will not be recognized as the same material (you’d have to manually remap every recipe to use them instead).
You don’t actually have to set “requires inventory component” in items unless you want them to say “can only be crafted at” - they will still only be craftable in a structure that has their recipe added (provided the engrams are not added to player inventory).
Also, if your structure DOES NOT require activation, make sure to set “auto activate” to true and disable toggling it - otherwise it will behave as a structure that does require activation but cannot be turned on (think fabricator with no fuel).
Actually, activation is very likely the issue if all you’re missing is the craft button.