Simple look back function has camera issue


IA_Glance is an input action that triggers the camera to look behind the player, the issue is when the player looks around when IA_Glance is active the camera direction is also set when you release the IA_Glance button, it also allows the player to look around.

  1. I would like to remove the ability to look around when using IA_Glance
  2. I would like to make any camera direction that you exit IA_Glance with to not make it the forward facing camera direction, I want them both to be centered

Thanks in advance for any help!

Video demonstration

Player BP for IA_Glance

Either with Ignore Look or with Use Pawn Control Rotation

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It locks the movement but it still captures the direction the player is looking before it looks backwards and then applies that same direction, so if I look up when Iā€™m running forward and look back I will be look up when looking back

my other post that is more active: Camera to center on key held and center again on end - #12 by

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