SIMPLE Level Creation: User-Generated at Run time

Hi there, beginner here…

I’m looking to create a simple project that renders visualization of potential customers’ commercial kitchen layouts (from scratch).

I’ve conceptualized the idea as follows:

-Directional (arrow-shape) actor or character accepting unit input for the direction in which the arrow is pointing (to start this can be simple 90 degree directional metrics).
-Subsequent inputs and changes in direction are used to create the users’ scenario (auto-load simple floor/ceiling after walls are created)
-Drag/Drop pre-loaded 3D files representing equipment and/or furniture into place as desired (file format tbd, as I’ve yet to start on creation for my manufacturer’s digital assets)
-Allow option to load simple avatar into scene. Ideally the entire creation process can be done on the fly, from any device and be sent to end-users looking for a simple visual representative model of a more complex CAD (or etc) drawing.

I’m relatively new to Unreal and this sort of project creation in general, but have the time and capacity to learn quickly… only need a good step in the right direction (and confirmation that this concept is possible).
My first hang-up is over whether or not level boundaries can be created from user-generated input at run-time.

I’m currently plowing through Unreal tutorials in awaiting a response, and appreciate your time.

Very best and thanks again for any help/direction that is offered.

I’m in desperate need of the most basic of help in direction here :frowning: Even if it’s a matter of attaching a pricetag to this sort of conceptualization, I’m willing to listen to such requests or advice! I know you guys are professionals here and the industry has been milked for volunteer work a bit too much. Very best, -Brian “Coach” Sharkey

You might have better luck in the Architectural and Design Visualization forum.