Simple Kinematic navigation; Spaceship on a 2d plane

I’m working on a space RTS. The combat will be locked to a 2d plane similar to Battlefleet Gothic or SW: Empire at War. I’m trying to work out how the navigation will handle kinematic movement. It is straightforward to setup a simple kinematic move, but the moment there are obstacles or other ships, I need navigation.

A: Asteroids in the way, the ship flies around.
B: No obstacles

How would I get the navigation to generate a path for the ship if it can only accelerate forward and has a fixed rate of rotation?

Since this is a RTS, the units are controlled by an AI Controller. So I think I need to make changes to the AI Controller and pathfinding. I don’t know where to start with this. The move command has to generate a path over nav mesh and this path would be handled by my custom movement controller.