Simple collision mesh clipping through complex collision meshes


I converted 4.27 to 5.0.2 and my collisions are messed up. here is a video.

the ue5 conversion guide says it changes the physics handling. but they dont say how to excatly to change the old one to the new. would it be a solution to add extra blocking volumes to all the levels in order to filter out the actor physics simulation basically only reacting to simple on simple collision within the volumes?
because my simple coll objects just randomly fall through complex coll structures. but how to solve landscape like meshes? which are uneven.

I did convert it in place, is it caused by this or a general conversion problem?

I´m very scared about this. Thank you.


I may be having a related issue. I am messing around with ALS and the moveable cubes on splines seem to have the simple collision box clipping through the complex collision of the mesh.

If I am standing on top of the cube while it raising into the air, it will trigger begin overlap event with the collision box while moving at peak of speed. I even elongated my cube into a rectangle and made it so the simple collision box doesnt start until 1/3rd away from cube’s surface.