Simple board game

I would like to learn by making simple board game as we know from chlidhood :slight_smile: First thing i want to do is moving player to specific tile by clicking on it. Could You help me and steer me what should i look for


Well, you would need to do a few things.

  1. Use a node that “converts mouse location to world space”, or “get hit result under cursor by channel/object” basically the first step is to get a world location for where you have “clicked” either by identifying the object you clicked on OR the location you clicked in #D space
  2. Once you have a location, you would want to use something like “Set Actor Location” to then move the player to the specified spot clicked on before

Obviously this is a super basic, quick and dirty train of thought for how to go about it. If you need something more in depth let me know. But that is the basics

I decided i will keep it as easy as possible. First I get random int (1-6) and then i move my pawn to correct tile.
This is probably not the way it should be done but…
I made vector array with vectors of tiles. What i want to do is set actor location after I “throw dice” and get integer. This int should choose vector from array. Could You hekp me with BP’s ?
Now it does strange moves not related with “dice”

I am not understanding the problem here. It seems to be relocating the player to the appropriate cube, what are you trying to do?

As You can see on video it send pawn to different cube as generated number It works ok when set number manualy. I dont know where i made mistake

you issue here is that it is generating a random number twice. what you want to do is to have your set dice result variable just after the key input event then instead of dragging off of the random int to go to all the other things just get your variable instead. basically what you currently have going on is its getting a random number for the print string, then getting another random number for the set dice variable, and another random number for the get node. by making all those integers based on the variable the value wont change and you will have one consistent number between them all.

@ThompsonN13 is correct. You are actually pulling 2 separate random variables. I had made this tutorial for someone else who had a similar problem, it can get tricky if you are not careful. The screenshot above is correct, if you want a more in-depth explanation of this effect I have posted the link to my tutorial. It has time stamps in the description so you can skip around and find what you need.

Thank you Guys. I didn’t realized it sednds two signals from random int. So first objective is complete :slight_smile:
Now i will try to set dice animations