Simple Blueprint Menu with DLSS 3.5 settings for beginners (UE 5.3)

I have created a simple blueprint that can be inserted into any project (copy and paste).

The menu contains the basic settings such as full screen, window mode, resolution, frame rate limiter, graphics settings and additionally DLSS + Frame Generation.

I thought this would be very helpful for beginners who want to add a simple menu to their project to test the unreal engine.

The DLSS 3.5 plugin must be installed to use the menu.

If you are interested here is the link to the video:

Have a nice Day


Thanks for your reply mate.

Unfortunately, when I open the Blueprints there are a slew of errors in 2 blueprints, namely ‘MenuInputCopyToBP’ and ‘PausMenu’. I followed his instructions, doesn’t make a difference. Here are 2 screenshots showing the errors:

First, the errors in ‘MenuInputCopyToBP’:

Secondly, the errors in ‘PausMenu’:

Gotta say, I’ve only been working with Unreal for a month and a half now, but it’s really been a hectic uphill struggle. Feeling a bit demotivated at the moment and realize why the majority of Indie devs never touch it. It’s simply not user friendly. Maybe I’m just stupid though. However, I’ll keep trying :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help I appreciate your time.

Kind regards

By “It’s simply not user friendly” - you mean “you need to know basic programming”? The errors in your blueprints are very straightforward, seems like you’re missing some widget classes. I mean If you have specific questions about something not working - people on this forum would be glad to help. But copy-pasting some random code from internet and expect it to work without understanding what is that? I don’t think you need DLSS if you don’t know yet anything about blueprints, UE or programming.
“majority of Indie devs never touch it” - if you’re actually an Indie dev (which means PROGRAMMER) then Unreal will be pretty easy for you because it actually is using basic OOP principles. So I have no idea who are those “indie devs” who don’t touch it.
I would recommend to start with learning about OOP and basic coding before even touching any game engine. I mean, Unity’s coding architecture is a terrifying mess with forced ECS (I can’t create a child class for a scene object, really, Unity??), so better pretend it doesn’t exist if you don’t want to develop bad programming habits.

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