Simple blueprint for turning not working in 4.9

Hello, I don’t understand why this simple turning system is not working in 4.9.

I know it works because the exact same system was working in 4.8

What changed? I just don’t understand why it’s not turning my character like it used to.

Here’s another way I know was working in 4.8:

I’m using a brand new First Person Blueprint project and this is all inside the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint.

Please, help me. I’m losing it.

I am just talking for the actor example,
The target of the addactorworldrotation is a actor, so if you are in the actor you want to move**, leave it as self**.
Did your project, fire at these events?
pulling out your window and keeping at the side of the game view, you should see the ropes , get the red , every time you click the Q , or E .
If it does not fire, he is not taking the input, so
on the event begin , set up the EnableInput node , leave self and attach a get player controller 0
(or whatever playe

r are you using)

here a working one
Remember that you cant have multiple input enabled for the same controller,
you can only talk with one actor at time .
So put this in two actor, and just one will have the input!