Hello, so here is my issue.
I’m trying to simply print the status of a Boolean variable from one blueprint that exists in another blueprint.
I have 2 blueprints, lets call them blueprint #1 and blueprint #2.
Blueprint #1 is a Game Mode blueprint and has been set as the ‘Game Mode Override’ option in the world settings. It has a single Boolean variable within it called ‘Test Bool’.
Blueprint #2 is an actor blueprint. It also has a single variable, an actor named Targetblueprint. Targetblueprint has been set to reference blueprint #1. This is how I intend find ‘Test Bool’.
As well as this variable, blueprint #2 also has several graph nodes in place. Firstly it ‘Gets’ the Targetblueprint’ variable; from that it targets the ‘Test Bool’ Boolean from blueprint #1; and then finally it prints the status of ‘Test Bool’ to a string.
Every time I run the game I get this error: Error Accessed None ‘Targetblueprint’ from node Construction Script in blueprint 2
This is an extremely simple and basic form of blueprint communication and yet I simply cannot figure it out.
Thanks. I appreciate any help I can get.
Below you’ll find a screenshot of blueprint #1, it contains the details of the ‘Test Bool’ variable.
Below that you’ll find a screenshot of blueprint #2. It contains the details of the 'Targetblueprint actor variable. It also shows the reference to TargetBlueprint, to the ‘Test Bool’ and printing to a string.