Hi! I am attempting to make a simple ball pick up and throw game.
So I have a ball actor that is sitting on the ground.
When I move my 3rd person actor next to it I am able to crouch down and pick the ball up (by attaching the ball to the hand socket) In that step, to keep track of which ball has been picked up, I set a variable (throwingObject) defined in my 3rd person character blueprint to the ball actor.
Later (in my 3rd person Animation BP) when I am attempting to throw the ball, I cast the controller pawn to a 3rdPersonCharacter, from there I can ‘get throwingObject’ that was set when picking the ball up, but then once I get the throwingObject actor variable, I have no means off adding velocity, or force, or impulse, or whatever to make the ball move. Basically right now the character throws the ball, and when I detach the ball from the hand socket, the ball hangs there suspended mid air.
What are the next steps I need to take to make the ball move in a realistic throwing motion? (I have honestly spent the past 3 hours attempting to work this out for myself)
Thanks in advance for any help, I’ll make sure to reply ASAP