Simple ball throw

Hi! I am attempting to make a simple ball pick up and throw game.

So I have a ball actor that is sitting on the ground.

When I move my 3rd person actor next to it I am able to crouch down and pick the ball up (by attaching the ball to the hand socket) In that step, to keep track of which ball has been picked up, I set a variable (throwingObject) defined in my 3rd person character blueprint to the ball actor.

Later (in my 3rd person Animation BP) when I am attempting to throw the ball, I cast the controller pawn to a 3rdPersonCharacter, from there I can ‘get throwingObject’ that was set when picking the ball up, but then once I get the throwingObject actor variable, I have no means off adding velocity, or force, or impulse, or whatever to make the ball move. Basically right now the character throws the ball, and when I detach the ball from the hand socket, the ball hangs there suspended mid air.

What are the next steps I need to take to make the ball move in a realistic throwing motion? (I have honestly spent the past 3 hours attempting to work this out for myself) :frowning:

Thanks in advance for any help, I’ll make sure to reply ASAP :slight_smile:

its kinda tough to help you based on what you’ve provided. You’d need to show your blueprints in order to get some real help. Especially the ball blueprint.

But aside form that if you really want to get it working asap. I’d suggest you load up a separate project… brand new. Use the FPS template. Once it loads, migrate only the projectile blueprint (the yellow ball) from it to your current project.

Then go back to your current project and temporarily replace the ball actor with the projectile you migrated.

Now when you throw it… does it go flying? play with the “projectile” settings in the projectile blue print til you get the throw you want. Then when thats all working how you like. Use the same set up for your ball.