Silent hill inspired inventory HELP

hello everyone. I would love to add a silent hill ps1 style inventory system to my game with 3 or so item slots, But i have no idea where to start. if anyone has any ideas for how i could go about this please let me know. thanks in advance :slight_smile:

got an image of what it looks like.

shure here is my refrence


To be honest, you got your work cut out here. A decent inventory system is a WHOLE THING. And yo have two pretty detailed parts. The backend, which usually involves a lot of structures and using the save game, and the front end, which is a fairly complex widget system.

A good place to start is by getting this:

It’s free, and has a good inventory system built in ( so you can see how that works ). I can’t recall what kind of interface there is but…

ok thanks for the feedback. I would like to at least try to do the inventory myself first before i get horror engine, i dont plan on having saves in my game. and i dont really want to do the rotating objects. the main thing i want for the inventory system is the objects that kinda spin when you hover over them, how would one go about that?

Here’s a way of doing inspect

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thanks! is there a way that i could make each item just spin in the inventory kinda like in the gif above?
i would like to add that to my game too along with the inspect. would i make the item spin in the widgets or something?

what i mean is how would i make a 3d object rotate in a widget blueprint



Position Items:

  • SceneCaptureComponent2D captures and saves in RenderTarget Texture

  • Here 300 is Radius from Center Point

  • 0, 120, 240 is Total Degrees/Number of Items, 360/3=120, increments of 120.

  • Individual Items Rotating at a speed of 2 degrees per tick

  • Spawn that actor from Widget Blueprint & Save as a Reference.
  • Call Rotate Event On Button Click or OnMouseEnter Event as you asked.

  • Set Relative Rotatation to Rotate Items,
  • we can detect Front Item by Relative Rotation Yaw, 0 is cone, 120 is cylinder, 240 is cube

  • Make Material from RenderTarget texture

  • Create Child Widget and Add that Material to Image like this

  • And Final Widget is This

oh my god thanks so much for putting this together!!

are the meshes interchangeable?
again thanks for all the help.