Sign function in Math Expression Node

Anyone knows if the Sign (float) function is available in Math Expression Node and if yes under what name/syntax?


Bankuti is looking for SIGN function and i also couldnt find it (K2Node_MathExpression.cpp)

Thank you Max and blindminds,
but indeed I’m looking for the Sign function, not the Sine which latter is there for me too ofc.


Does this work for you? If it does, you can double click on math node to see the blueprint nodes it uses. Often (if not always?) the Math Node uses the name of the blueprint Node. And in this case, it is Sin (instead of Sine)

ahhh, oops hahaha…I am wondering if it is not available due to one of these reasons:
Currently, the following operators are unsupported.
|, &, <<, >>
Unary prefix:
+, -, ++, --, ~, !, etc.
++, --, [], etc.

I am unable to get it through experimentation, a reverse math node operation might be nice, setup blueprint nodes, select nodes, right click to select menu option for create math node? Something like that even feasable?

Yeah, that sounds good but I’m not aware of such an operation.
It’s kinda frustrating since not only basic functions are supported (e.g. truncate) but I tried to get Sign working many ways without any success.
I don’t know if it’s just a bug or a glitch or is it made this way on purpose due to some kind of limitation sine the online documentation is of no use.

I agree the documentation can be…limited, and get confusing when it states "Blueprint pure functions that are in a coded function library should all be available. " and then Doc for Sign (Float) says “Sign (float, returns -1 if A < 0, 0 if A is zero, and +1 if A > 0)”. And then Math Node Doc says “Currently, the following operators are unsupported. Conditional: ?: Bitwise: |, &, <<, >> Unary prefix: +, -, ++, --, ~, !, etc. Postfix: ++, --, [], etc.” …so, without opening the Sign function in C++ to see what is happening, my guess is it is using an unsupported operator? An official answer from Epic on this would be great, or if someon knows where to get or find a list of operators supported or unsupported in math nodes (assuming unsupported would be a shorter list :wink: