I am currently writing my Bachelor Thesis with a focus on Realtime Global Illumination.
I have written an own small OpenGL Renderer for my bachelor thesis (by my own, without using any code from the unreal engine).
As some details of my engine, especially the BRDFs are not in the scope of my thesis, I have used the listings from the notes of the PBR Presentation from Fostbite:
As I am publishing my code under the MIT license on github, and was copying listing from their notes, I had to ask the authors of their presentation for permission, which I’ve got.
For the GGX importance sampling for precalculating the DFG function for image based lighting, I would like to use listings from Brian Karis’ SIGGRAPH 2013 presentatoin notes. So I want to ask also for his permission for using the listings in my MIT licensed renderer, before adding them to my renderer.
No single character wouldbe copied from the unrealengine github repository or any other code repository covered by the UE4 EULA.
Only the notes from the SIGGRAPH 2013 presentation