Sidescroller Aim Direction Vector from Location and Angle

I feel like there’s an easy answer to this but I’m having a major brain fart as to how to solve this specific problem.

I have a sidescroller where the character can only face/go to the right. I’ve setup the aiming using a sphere on the character, which I rotate based on the LookAt rotation from the sphere to the mouse (in order to get the proper angle for the up/down aimspace in my animblueprint). I’ve capped this angle to -70/+70 so that you can’t aim left or too high/low.

So now I know the angle at which I’m aiming, as shown below.


What I’m trying to do now is fire a projectile in the direction I’m aiming. I have a socket at the tip of my gun where I want to shoot from, so I know my start vector.

How do I get the direction vector of where my gun is aiming?


So as I expected, the answer was rather simple:

Since I’m rotating up/down the weapon along with the character and that’s what I want to fire from, I just had to get the weapon’s rotation and GetForwardVector on it to get the direction vector.

3D sidescroller shooting in angles WITHOUT a mouse.

Hi guys, I’ve been searching on the web for the answer for months but I haven’t been successful.
The question is simple, but the answer seems to be something sacred and very difficult to find.

OK, let’s go …

How can I create a script of mechanics similar to Bass or Axel (from Megaman) from sidescroller 3d shooting game? How to make a 3D sidecroller character shoot at angles or aim WITHOUT a mouse.

All the answers I found on the internet is about to aim using mouse location, but in my project the player will not use the mouse. Only the keyboard or gamepad.

I want to make my character shoot or aim at + and - 45 degrees to the left, right, up and down using only the gamepad’s directional movement control with a aim button (like LT + directional button to aim and X to shoot)

The question seems to be simple, but the answer just doesn’t exist!

I need your help and thanks so much for the time wasted to give a little attention to my task!