"Sidebar All Tabs" (F10) stucked in permanent activated mode


Have a problem where my editor(5.0.3) stucked permanently in activated F10 mode. Mod is permanently active even after editor restart and i can no longer dock-in bars, they always got auto-hidden.

What i tried:

  • Remove all saved\itermediate from project;
  • Remove all saved\itermediate from engine;
  • cleanup my %user%\ folder as much as i can;
  • editor settings → reset to defaults;
  • Checked in editor settings that f10 bind is still in place.

Any ideas how to turn it off in this situation?



Window -> Load layout -> Default Editor Layout can be used to reinitialize editor ui and solve problem with stucked f10


Thank you!

This happened to me in 5.2 as well just now.

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I should note that F10 does not work to toggle the Sidebar if you have recently clicked on anything in the sidebar. You first need to click outside (in the 3D viewport), and then F10 will work as expected.

Thanks so much, i’ve been stuck for 1 hour!

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