Side Scrolling Aim Offset

I’ve made a rough aim offset for a side scrolling shooter, I’m just using the mannequin as a test before I rig and animate a character (I’m primarily an artist).

I’ve been somewhat successful and have gotten the aim offset to work in all directions when the character is walking/facing to the right:

But when the character is walking to the left it seems to invert the yaw like so:

I can’t seem to find anything relating thumbstick aiming like this so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the nodes I’ve used in my character blueprint and animation blueprint:

Thanks in advance!

It seems that multiplying the axis value of my AimYaw InputAxis by the Z return value of the GetActorRotation sorted it out

Also note that I adjusted my aim offset to go from -1 to 1 on the horizontal axis. The extra -1 multiplication pin isn’t necessary if you change the scale value in the input manager in the project settings.

Hope this helps someone with a similar issue!!