[Side scroller]Creating sprits and flipbooks help

So i have this problem
I have this sheet
And when i extract sprites it just gives me the hole thing again.
Then i extracted them manually and when created the flipbook i had a background on the animation.
Im new to 2d in ue4 so i have no clue of what to do

Hello Camila, have a look at this tutorial on importing 2D assets into Unreal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXXY09MHmkQ Notice i did not watched it but this might be a good start. Also look at the 2D examples which can be downloaded from the Learn tab inside the Unreal launcher.

Hey camila,
this might be too late but everything that is black in your picture needs to be transparent (just delete the black color in photoshop or gimp and save it as .png), also delete the words.

Hope it helps others too =)