Side Ortho Projection Export Coordinates

I suggest a change to the geographic information that is exported with a side ortho image.

We use ortho projections for both top plan-view images and side views that are often (but not always) oriented to a projected coordinate system (UTM). We then display these images in a GIS to create maps with a scale and measured grid for fieldwork and reporting.

While the top down orthomosaics XY are just fine, I have found that RealityCapture does not handle the side view well when exporting a geotiff or a tif or jpg with a world file. For example, an ortho that represents the XZ face of a structure that is oriented to a coordinate system should export with a world file where lines 5 and 6 are the (5) X coordinate of the geographic grid and the (6) altitude. Instead, RC exports an image that is referenced with the TL corner coordinates as Altitude, and then some arbitrary number that is not on the coordinate system.

Could this be fixed? While world files can be edited, it’s not possible to display geotiffs created for non top-down orientations and ultimately prevents the ready display of these products in a GIS.

Hi Jason,
thank you for your suggestion.
I suppose this is an general problem of side ortho. When I tested, I was able to import to GIS, but as there was only top view, it was imported as a line. According to my experience for side ortho it is better to use CAD software.
You can also check this post: Workflow for archaeological excavations and documentation
I will add this to the feature request database.

Thanks for the response!
Unfortunately a switch to CAD isn’t feasible since the team and data management schema for this project (and most archaeological projects) are GIS based. I guess I’ll have to stick with using jpgs with a world file and manually editing them after export for now.