Hey there I am fairly new to UE5. I am currently studying audio in university. However, my project is making my own environment with opportunity’s for audio.
I tried to open my project today to do some work and I was greeted with “SICKAMANSION Could Not be Compiled. Try rebuilding from the source manually.”. I have managed to open the visual studio code and try to build but I am getting another error…
I have tried creating another folder for my game and deleted different assets and blueprints and I am still getting the same error and I am unsure. If there are any experienced coders out there that have any idea on how to fix this so I can open my game you would be an absolute life saver! Thank you.
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! This may sound like a funny solution. But, try removing the space in ‘Unreal Projects’ in your E:\Documents. (So, make it 'E:\Documents\UnrealProjects' etc. See if that new error goes away. Post back here with your findings.
Hi thank you for the nice welcome :)Thank you so much, this managed to solve it. It’s crazy to me that something like that manages to break opening a file haha. Thank you so much