Comming from diffrent post where you mentioned that this Showcase was really unsuccessfull:
I think your job is really impresive. I’m not any kind of 3D/Level Artist, but I think, it’s nice. However, You have failed at advertising it.
There is almost no context about what exacly your project is, even no small hint.
You see, Unreal project can be literally everything - a game, a scene, a cinematic - and noone will realize what “my first UE5 project” is about without any given contex.
People won’t enter this thread, if they are not curios about it, and accordingly won’t watch the video (on which you also clearly spend a lot of time)
I actually had to watch almost half of your video, and start googling the stuff I saw in it, to grasp what actually it is all about.
As I understand, this is…
a recreation of location from the movie CONAN THE DESTROYER, not sure which one though as I don’t know the movie.
However, even if I have known it and would want to find it, I would probably never get to your video or this thread, as you didn’t mention these keywords anywhere.
I highly suggest You to:
- Change the summary of this showcase and of the video itself. Change it to something like…
spoilers again...
“Conan The Destroyer [name_of_location] recreated in Unreal Engine 5”
- Remove from the summary stuff like “my first project” and “(I fixed the link)” as these are irrelevant and can only scare people away. You can still include these in the description though.
- Add more context about this project to the description. Describe what the project is about. What was hard in creating it? How long it took? What tools have you used? What have you learned? etc. Currently You’ve only mentioned that this is your first project and that it was hard, but you haven’t mentioned why.
- Post more acurate photo in the description. The current one doesn’t show anything atractive compared to e.g. this one (still probably not the best, but shows the intention more clearly):
and spoilers once again...
- Reupload this video to YouTube (with the title changed). It’s a way better place for things like that.
- Also I would suggest editting the video itself (if you can of course).
spoilers, spoilers, spoilers...
It would be great to show some comparision way ealier in it. You could even show the part of the movie scene at the beggining.
If you edit this showcase now, it will show up on the top of other posts again, so nothing is lost and people will be able to check it out.
Hope it helps!