Show table row with delay

I’m working on a blueprint that retrieves values from a CSV data table. It functions correctly, but I’m struggling to implement a delay between printing each row. Currently, all the values are printed at the same time. What I want is for the blueprint to print each row one by one, with a 2-second delay between each print.

When I try to place a delay between the row found and print (as shown in position 2 in the image), only the last row gets printed.

Is there a way to add a delay between the Get Data Table Row node (1) and the Break Struct node?
Or is there a better way to achieve this?

The reason it’s not working as you expect is because each iteration of your for loop happens in a split second, so it counts every previous iteration as completed, and the code after the delay node will be only executable once the delay is complete, which will be executed as the last iteration. You can achieve this by using any kind of loop, you just need to execute the loop again once the delay is complete.

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Run a timer, set it to 2s, get row from the DT using an integer, integer++