Show original color of mesh through walls with post processing

I’d like create an effect similar to smash bros, where when you defeat a boss everything except for the boss, your character and a particle effect will be invisible.
In the case something(Wall, item, etc.) is blocking the boss, it should still display the boss with the original color on top of everything else.

I was able to achieve turning all objects that don’t use custom depth to black and only show the glove.
However if something is in front of the glove like a wall or character it will render the color of the object that’s in front of it instead of the original material of the glove.

I’d really appreciate some advice!

Here are some different approaches. (264.2 KB)

  1. Translucent material with DisabledDepthTest
  2. Assigned Actor gets rendered from SceneCapture, RenderTarget is set inside material, material used as overlay in a widget
  3. Sphere can only be seen when behind a special wall with a special material. Maybe not the desired result, but it’s included :slight_smile:
  4. Material that overlaps all as soon as a part of the mesh/material is in viewport. Has errors with shadows.

Good luck

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