I have a small function CalculateDamage(int32 AttributeValue) in each of my abilities. The damage depends on the characters attribute value for a given category that can be anywhere between 0 and 20. Having a value of 20 will give the highest damage since the player has spent the maxium skill points on this attribute, while having a value of 0 will give the lowest amount of damage. But the exact implementation varies per ability. For example it could be 10 + AttributeValue * 0,5 or 20 + AttributeValue or 50 + AttributeValue / 5 etc.
Is there an easy way that I can automatically show somewhere in the blueprint the example outputs of the function CalulcateDamage for the values and 0 and 20, so that I have a quick impression of how the skill is currently balanced? Since I need to work on dozens of skills it will be tiring to go through the functions each time to understand what exactly the scale of the output is.
I was thinking that maybe there is a neat feature for this that I am not aware of.
Thanks in advance